The Gear Patrol Podcast is our weekly roundtable discussion focused on products, their stories, and the culture surrounding them.

In this episode, Eric Limer and Tanner Bowden explore the role of technology in products. Is there a way to quantify or define the point at which there’s just… too much it? Turns out there very well may be.

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Show Notes

Mentioned in this episode:

    Purchasing Advice:

    Small-home workout gear on a $250 Budget – Maddie, Cincinnati

      Beginner camping without a car – Doug, Brooklyn

        Housewarming gifts for someone you’ve just begun dating – Kevin, Brooklyn

          Kind Of Obsessed:

          Tanner Bowden:

            Eric Limer:

                The Gear Patrol Podcast is our weekly roundtable discussion focused on products, their stories, and the culture surrounding them.

                Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, our website, or wherever else you get your podcasts. Reach out at

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