o you love nothing more than drawing on your favorite cigars or you’re a wannabe mafia hitman that’s looking for an effective torture device and have been looking for a new cigar cutter. Thankfully, whichever of the two that you are, you have only gone and stumbled across the most perfect of perfect pages as we have reviewed 20 of the best cigar cutters that money can buy.

The cigar cutters in our reviews will all be able to effectively cut through the tips of cigars (and similarly shaped body parts, if needed) quickly, easily, and in a far cleaner way than using your own mouth. As much as you all want to put on your best Clint Eastwood impressions when chewing off the end of your cigar, it’ll only end up sodden and with people laughing at you, rather than with you.

In all seriousness though, cigar cutters are not created equal as much as you might think that they are all just a much of a muchness. First of all, you have different types of cigar cutters from guillotine types to scissor types and secondly, some are sharper, provide a better cut, or are simply better looking!

It’s actually quite amazing to learn of all the different types of cutters and the techniques that are used for a task which, on the face of it, seems quite simple. However, only the proper cigar smokers among you will know just how important it is to get the perfect cut at all times. Some cutters will squash the cigar too much rather than cut it, while others will cut a little too deep resulting in the cap unraveling.

So before we go ahead with the reviews of the 20 best cigar cutters available to purchase right now, we thought we would answer a few of the more commonly asked questions regarding cigar cutters and the art of cutting a cigar.

How to cut a cigar

You might think that cutting off the tip off of a cigar is a simple process but even the most experienced of cigar smokers will make an occasional bad cut and reduce their smoking enjoyment. A rough cut can leave tobacco in the mouth and a loosening of the inside of the cigar while cutting too deep or shallow can be the difference between an unraveling cap or a rough feeling on the lips respectively.

If you’re using a guillotine cutter, or cigar scissors, the idea is to cut just before the cap so that you have at least 3- to 4-mm remaining. This will give you a far better chance of avoiding any unraveling. Secondly, any cut should be done quickly and in one movement if you’re looking for the best results.

A big tip though, if you’re trying to cut a figurado, you will not be able to use a guillotine or scissors and will instead have to use a V-cutter, punch cutter or go the Dirty Harry route of chewing off the end.

What types of cigar cutters are out there? 

Well, that torture device that we mentioned earlier is the most basic and more commonly used type of cigar cutter and that is known as a straight/guillotine cutter. These are available with either a single or double blade, with the latter being renowned for providing the cleanest type of cut. Two blades from opposite directions just seem to give a clean cut as an end result.

Other popular cutters include V-cut/wedge cutters which help to prevent cutting too deep, punch cutters which punch a hole into the cap of the cigar, specialist cigar scissors that work as you might expect, and the rather scary but innovative Shuriken cutter that has 6 blades. The latter is a fairly new invention and it cuts six equal slits into the cap of a cigar in the most torture-ristic ways imaginable.

How to take care of Cigar Cutters

After a sustained period of time using the same cigar cutter, you might start to notice that its performance starts to drop. This could be from the cuts not being as clean, the caps of your cigars tending to shred rather than being cut off nicely, the operation of the cutter is not as smooth and becomes difficult to open and close, or that some gunk buildup is starting to appear on the blades.

In most of these cases, your cigar cutter will need little more than a good clean. This can be done by swabbing alcohol on the blades to remove any tar buildup. Furthermore, to help with the movement of the cutter, grab a tiny amount of graphite lubricant and put it on either side of the blades. Follow that up by repeatedly opening and closing the cutter so that the lubricant gets inside and you will quickly notice a marked improvement in the operation of the cutter.

If your blades need sharpening, the only real way to do this is to get in contact with the manufacturer of the cutter to see if they will do this for you. Some of the best cigar cutter brands will be happy to have this done but it may take a few weeks before you get your cutter back

What is the best brand for Cigar Cutters? 

Anyone that knows their stuff when it comes to cigar cutters will know that the two leading brands are Colibri and Xikar. These two are leading the pack right now and have been for some time but there are still a few other notable mentions as you will learn throughout our reviews.

In general though, if you want the very best in terms of the quality and durability of a cutter and excellent aftercare in terms of warranty and sharpening services, these are the two that you should be leaning towards. All that said and done, the likes of Alaska Bear, Palio Burlwood and Cuban Crafter all have some very good cutters and these certainly should not be discounted.

Why personalized cigar cutters make the best gifts for cigar lovers

A man that loves his cigars will always carry around his cigar cutter so what better way to remind him of your love than to buy him a personalized cigar cutter? Each and every time he goes to light up, he will see your personalized message and cast a thought in your direction.

Besides that, this is a gift that will last a long time and will actually serve a decent purpose. Things like personalized pens (who even physically writes anymore?), personalized jewelry (which is just worn permanently and hardly a daily reminder) are great but will never get the message across as effectively.

Best Cigar Cutters to Buy on Amazon

The first part of the list will feature the very best cigar cutters that money can buy over at Amazon. You’ll find others but let’s be honest, not everything sold on that site is always of the best of quality which is why you should trust us with your products!

1) Colibri V-Cut Cigar Cutter

So first up in our reviews is that of the excellent spring-loaded release V-Cut Cigar Cutter from Colibri. As we mentioned earlier, Colibri alongside Xikar, are the leading manufacturers of cigar cutters and once you try this one out, you will quickly see why. It comes in six different colors, is designed to fit your hand perfectly, and more importantly, is designed to produce a deep clean cut that provides a robust and tasty draw.

Designed to be able to cut larger gauge cigars and torpedo cigars otherwise known as figurado’s, you will be able to cut as high as 60+ Ring Gauge with this superb Colibri cigar cutter. What we particularly like about this cutter is the obvious build-quality that can be found throughout all Colibri products. The base is made of metal alloy while the stainless steel blade will give you the perfect cut time and time again.

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2) Alaska Bear Double Cut Guillotine Cigar Cutter

At around half the price of the Colibri above and considered a good quality cigar cutter with great value for money is that of the Alaska Bear Double Cut Guillotine Cigar Cutter. Sure, it might not come from a company with as an extensive and proud history as Colibri but you will actually be very surprised at just how good this cutter is for the money.

It comes in three finishes being antique bronze, gun black, and stainless steel and is a self-sharpening two-blade guillotine style cigar cutter. Those blades are made from stainless steel and having tested this product ourselves quite extensively, we can say that the consistency of the cut is actually very good. We have also read rave reviews about the customer service from Alaska Bear who are apparently very happy to replace any cutter no matter what the issue is.

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3) Tonino Lamborghini Le Mans Cigar Cutter

Now if you were after something that offers up plenty of sex appeal, the Tonino Lamborghini Le Mans Cigar Cutter is something you should be looking at. This attractive dual-blade guillotine cigar cutter comes in seven different carbon fiber finishes with each of them looking absolutely fantastic. Lamborghini, as you will know, is a luxury sports car manufacturer by trade but they are known for putting their name and their skills to making other high-end products as well.

The great thing about this cutter is that it offers more than just stunning looks. A spring-loaded stainless steel blade will cut your cigar against a second stationary blade and will deliver a flawless cut on a consistent basis. The cutter also has a solid and heavy feel which aids clean cutting of cigars up to 54 Ring Gauge.

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4) Visol Sharp Lines Cigar Cutter

Another cigar cutter that is receiving rave reviews for its design, cleanliness of cut, and robustness is the Visol Sharp Lines Cigar Cutter. This dual-blade stainless steel guillotine cutter comes in a variety of finishes such as chrome, brushed chrome, and polished chrome which all catch the eye and make you look like the cool guy that you are.

On top of looking the part, the Sharp Lines also fits comfortably in the hand, has a heavy and firm feel, and uses a spring-loaded mechanism to release its two ultra sharp blades. Cutting is done in a quick and precise way and you should get a neat cut consistently with cigars up to 52 Ring Gauge.

Ideal as a gift to any cigar lover, the Visol Sharp Lines Cutter even comes with a free gift box that you can wrap easily before handing it over to the lucky man who now owns a good quality cigar cutter.

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5) Xikar Xi2 Cigar Cutter

Many cigar aficionados absolutely swear by Xika cigar cutters and it is easy to see why after you have tried one like their Xi2 Cigar Cutter. The Xi2 is one of the most popular, sharpest, and stylish dual-blade guillotine cigar cutters on the market. The blades on this thing have a Rockwell C rating of 57 which, without boring you with the details of exactly what that means, simply means that this is the hardest and sharpest blades you are going to be able to find.

With blades like that, you will never have a problem getting a clean cut. Thing is, they are so sharp that the Xi2 has had to implement a locking system so that you do not accidentally mistake your fingers as cigars. You can just imagine the kind of damage these spring-loaded blades could do to that little piggy before she went to the market!

Made from nylon fiberglass, this product also comes in a wide range of styles and finishes which means you can find one that perfectly suits your taste.

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6) Cuban Crafters Perfect Cigar Cutter

Whether you’re a beginner or aficionado, the Cuban Crafters Perfect Cigar Cutter pretty much lives up to its own name. This cutter essentially takes away any guesswork out of cutting your cigar and makes the whole process of getting the perfect cut extremely easy. You no longer have to try and guess about how much of a tip to take off as a calibrated chamber within the cutter does all of this for you. Just place the head of any cigar up to 54 Ring Gauge into the chamber and it will take off the perfect amount.

Another standout feature is that this chamber also holds on to any tobacco that has been cut off so that you can discard any mess far more conveniently. Furthermore, you do not have to worry about sharpening the surgical grade blades as they are self-sharpening. Did we also mention that should you buy this cutter you are given a lifetime warranty?

Simply put, when you consider the excellent price of this dual blade guillotine cutter and the quality of this product, you’re not going to find much better. It looks and feels great in the hand too which is always a nice touch for a cutter.

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7) S.T Dupont Chrome Waves Cigar Cutter

Cutting the tip off a cigar in a manner that gives the perfect draw is not something that is easily done unless of course, you own a premium cigar cutter such as the S.T Dupont Chrome Waves Cigar Cutter. With a stylish design, this polished chrome-plated steel guillotine cigar cutter has a good reputation for quick and accurate cuts due to an ergonomic design and dual blades which open automatically when pressed on both sides.

A little pricey compared to other cutters on this list but the elegant nature and luxurious feel of this cutter are definitely going to appeal to many of you. That, on the top precision cutting of any types of cigars up to a Ring Gauge of 50, will certainly make that price so much more acceptable. A cute little gift box is the cherry on the cake too as it makes it an ideal option to give as a gift to any cigar aficionado in your family.

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8) Xikar XO Cigar Cutter

Why not consider a cigar cutter that will not only give you an exceptional cut time and time again but will also be a conversation piece whenever you pull it out? That is exactly what you will be getting from the excellent Xikar XO Cigar Cutter. This circular guillotine cutter looks like nothing else out there right now which is something Xikar are protecting via a patent pending.

Of course, style is nothing without substance and in true Xikar fashion, once again they do not let us down. Their blades operate on a unique gear system and work together to provide the cleanest of cuts that you are going to see. Housed in an aluminum body, the XO is also one of the most durable cutters that you will find on the market.

Available in various finishers, the Xikar XO is one of the best looking and accurate cigar cutters available in our humble opinion.

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9) Palio Cigar Cutter – Composite Cutter

Those of you looking for a budget option simply because you want to have more money to spend on expensive cigars will probably be quite attracted to the efficient and smart looking Palio Composite Cigar Cutter. At a fraction of the price of the many high-end cutters on our list, performance, and style wise, this cutter has more than enough going for it.

Sure it might be quite lightweight and made from polymer but it has an excellent ergonomic design, some of the sharpest blades in the business, and a wide range of different finishes for you to choose from. Those blades are Rockwell C 57/58 grade and are made of 420 stainless steel – essentially meaning that you are not going to find many cutters sharper than this one.

The cutter also doubles up as a cigar rest which is handy when there are no ashtrays around and a neat little pouch can be used to store it in order to prevent lint from getting into the gears.

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10) Xikar Xi1 Cigar Cutter

We know that you’re thinking yet another Xikar cutter but what do you expect? They are one of the best in the business and are known for innovative designs, supreme and consistent cutting accuracy, and even more impressively, a lifetime warranty for all of their cutters. Many people swear by Xikar with the Xi1 Cigar Cutter being one of their most popular.

This attractive tear-shaped guillotine cutter is made of solid and durable aluminum for the casing which houses super sharp HRC 57 stainless steel blades that when pressed together, will provide some of the cleanest cuts that you’re likely to see. The cutting action is also very swift and feels natural when holding the cutter.

This cutter is fairly expensive compared to budget cigar cutters but you know the quality that you’re going to get from one of the biggest names in town.

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11) Table Top Quad Guillotine and V Cut Cutter

Is your desk at home looking a bit bland? Want something to sit next to your automatic pencil sharpener? Then what about the Table Top Quad Guillotine and V-Cut Cigar Cutter? This heavy cast aluminum cutter gives you the option of four different holes to use for different sized cigars. Two of those holes contain guillotine cutters and the other two have V-cutters inside. All you have to do is place the tip of your cigar into the hole of your choice and pull the lever.

While on the surface this might seem a little gimmicky, this product has received plenty of praise for the cuts that it delivers, its ease of use, and its sturdy and durable build quality. It’s also decently priced and would make for an excellent gift to any family member or friend that fancies themselves as somewhat of a cigar aficionado.

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12) Xikar Xi2 Cigar Cutter

Xikar is back with a bang once more with yet another superior cigar cutter in the Xi2 Cigar Cutter. These are essentially the same cutter as the Xi1 in every aspect apart from the base material used. Instead of an aluminum base, this is made from a lighter and cheaper nylon fiberglass instead. This will help you to save some bucks without affecting the quality of the cut that you receive on a consistent basis.

The Rockwell C 57 rated 440 stainless steel blades are still there as you will find in most Xikar products and these are where this brand really stands out. Their blades are the sharpest out there and will always give you a clean cut for that perfect draw. You will also have a variety of finishes to choose from and that same tear-shaped design that has been ever popular.

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13) CiTree Cigar Case With Cutter

Okay, so technically this product is a cigar case which is obviously very handy in itself but it does also come with a pretty decent little cigar cutter too. The cutter is made from stainless, steel is a dual-blade guillotine type, and it is actually an excellent choice for a beginner or for a gift.

The case is made of genuine leather and it can store up to two cigars up to a Ring Gauge of 52 and has that separate little pocket for the cutter. This is a great little bundle and even if you did not like the cutter, the pocket will be able to house another instead.  We never had any issues when cutting with this cutter though and would have no problems recommending this product considering its price.

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14) Colibri Cut Cigar

Colibri is another of the worlds best manufacturers of cigar cutters so it is no surprise to see another entry of theirs on this list too. The Colibri Cut Cigar Cutter delivers up a spring-loaded double blade guillotine that is made from 440 stainless steel that can provide efficient quality cuts on cigars up to 62 Ring Gauge in size.

We particularly like the fact that there is a wide range of designs that you can choose from and that the metal alloy casing material provides a heavy yet ergonomic feel in your hands as you cut your cigars. Easy-to-clean and designed to be non-stick, there are not many better guillotine cigar cutters that you can buy in this price range.

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15) Xikar Xi1 Titanium Finish Cigar Cutter

Just in case you were wondering, Xikar seem to be quite popular among cigar aficionados. That is why you are seeing so many of their products on our list. They are just the best at what they do right from the durability and sharpness of their blades right up to the stylish designs and innovative cutting actions.

This one is the Xikar Xi1 again but this time it comes with added style as it has been given a titanium finish that will have all your friends green with envy. It looks fantastic, probably the best looking one in the range in fact and still manages to keep the sublime cutting accuracy that you would expect from any Xikar product.

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Best Personalized Cigar Cutters

Cigar cutters make a great gift there is no question about that but even better is when you can find one that you can personalize to make it that even more special. Here are our top picks when it comes to personalized cigar cutters.

16) Visol Personalized Engraved Cigar Cutter

Engraved cigar cutters really are an excellent gift idea for anyone that you know that loves nothing more than a regular puff on a cigar. The problem is that not all the cigar cutters used as part of an engraving bundle are not always that great. However, with the Visol Personalized Engraved Cigar Cutter, you are actually getting a cutter that is mightily impressive. Visol is a well-known brand that has been making top-quality cutters for many years.

Made from solid steel this double blade guillotine cutter will be able to deliver a perfect cut on any cigar up to that of 60 Ring Gauge. As for the personalization, you can place two lines of text with up to 10 characters on each. Perfect for devoting your love, appreciation, or for remembering lost loved ones.

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17) Visol Personalized Double Guillotine Cigar Cutter

Visol is the number one when it comes to manufacturing top-quality cigar cutters that have just enough space left over for a little bit of a personalized engraving. This cutter has a different design to their previous offering but it provides the same level of accuracy, efficiency, and cleanness when cutting a cigar up to 60 Ring Gauge in size.

This solid metal double spring action cutter has stainless steel blades that work in a guillotine fashion to provide the perfect cut consistently. Simply slide the button to open the blades before placing the top of the cigar inside and pressing down on both sides. 10 characters of engraving will be done for free which is less than the previous cutter but many of you will still be able to get your message across.

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18) Visol High Polish Silver & Gun Metal Cigar Cutter

If either of the two personalized Visol cutters above do not take your fancy or you feel that the person you are buying for would prefer a polished silver and gunmetal finish, this double blade guillotine cutter from Visol might be a better bet. Capable of cutting cigars up to 56 Ring Gauge in size, the stainless steel spring-loaded blades in this cutter will always give consistently clean cuts.

A little disappointing is the fact that this sleek looking cutter does not leave much room for engraving other than for just three initials. Still, this makes for an excellent gift and one that is great value for money to boot!

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Best Cigar Scissor Cutters

While guillotine are the most popular type of cigar cutters there are other types of cutters that are extremely effective at getting the perfect cigar cut. One of those is that of scissor cutters and we feel that the following two are some of the best around right now.

19) Xikar MTX Cigar Scissors

Xikar does not only focus on guillotine style cigar cutters which they obviously excel at making but they also delve into different types of cigar cutters as well. Their MTX Cigar Scissor cutters are one such product and we have to say that the same quality or workmanship has once again shown to be prevalent in these cutters.

Made from HRC 57 stainless steel, the blades on these scissors are about as sharp as you can imagine and they are housed in a lightweight body that also holds a number of other handy tools. Two screwdrivers, a poker, a bottle opener, and a lighter flame adjuster are those additional tools and while they are not important in terms of cutting cigars, they might just come in handy one day.

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20) Cuban Crafters Cigar Scissor Cutter

At more than half the price of the Xikar MTX comes the Cuban Crafters 3-Blade Scissor Cutters that are proving to be exceptionally popular. A lot of that is due to the exceptional value for money especially when you consider a lifetime warranty but the rest is down to the actual impressive quality of the cutters.

Made from stainless steel, these surgical grade scissors use an innovative three-way cutting technique which not only provides a perfect cut but will also self-sharpen. You can cut up to 60 Ring Gauge cigars with these cutters and can expect a quality cut each and every time.

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The Final Cut

Now, whether you consider yourself something of a cigar aficionado or are just starting out, we dare you to suggest that you did not find any cigar cutters in that list of interest! We can assure you that there will be something for everyone among that lot and the best part is that half of them seem to have lifetime warranties – what is there to lose?

Your choice will ultimately come down to which of the cutters has the best reputation for good quality cutting, which looks the coolest, and which is the least likely to turn your fingers themselves into something that resembles half-smoked cigars. If you are of a clumsy nature, we suggest you opt for the ones with the best safety devices but the rest of you should definitely go for something that become an instant conversation piece as soon as you clip your latest cigar with them.