The premise behind just-launched Trade is simple: you deserve better, more and different coffee. Trade works with more than 40 roasters to be able to stock 411 different bags of coffee, ranging from less than $10 a bag to over $50. When you place an order through Trade the roaster corresponding with the bag (or bags) you buy is notified, roasts the bag fresh and sends it to you. If you’re unsure what roast strength you like, whether single-origin or a blend is your thing and which beans will taste best with cream and sugar (no coffee condiment shaming here), there’s a quick quiz that will spit out a curated collection of beans that fit your tastes. Trade’s Head of Coffee, Marcus Boni, makes clear that Trade is not just for the already discerning specialty coffee geek.

“We wanted to ensure your mom could use the platform just as simply as you or your boss, and not to exclude people who take milk or sugar or don’t use a pour-over,” Boni said. A veteran of Intelligentsia, Bonavita, Kaldi’s Coffee and the Specialty Coffee Association itself, the task of identifying and curating the best coffee possible falls squarely on his shoulders. “We think roasters and farms should be more accessible to more people,” Boni said, “other than logistics, there’s no reason availability of great coffee needs to be tied to geography. This isn’t beer, right, there aren’t laws and distribution issues faced in coffee that you’d face there.”

Trade’s collection of roasters includes bigger names like Revelator, Stumptown, Panther, Sightglass and Highwire, as well as outlets with a smaller footprint.

To celebrate Trade’s launch, all bags under $20 are being sold for $10. Discount is applied automatically at checkout.

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