Are you sick of wearing a mask? Me too. But according to the CDC website, the spread of COVID-19 occurs “when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, and droplets from their mouth or nose are launched into the air and land in the mouths or noses of people nearby.” So, with that information, I will continue to wear a mask, especially when it’s difficult to avoid high risk places and physical distance.

By now, you know that wearing a mask isn’t fun. It can be smelly, fog up your glasses and cause mascne. But as tried and true product experts, we have done the work to find masks that don’t entirely suck. From the best masks for outdoor workouts and cold weather, there are a handful of brands that have catered to our consumer complaints. Since we still don’t know when the pandemic will be over, it actually is important to invest in a high-quality mask you can breathe comfortably in. And trust me, you can’t find this at your local gas station. Enter, the best mask for everyday use: Mack Weldon’s Silver Mask.

This mask once built up a waitlist of over 9,000 people—and with good reason. It’s made with the brand’s infamous blend of Supima cotton and antimicrobial Silver XT2 (the same fabric used by NASA astronauts, Olympic athletes, and the U.S. Special Forces). You would think the brand has been working on perfecting the face mask for years. It has permanent antimicrobial properties and droplet reduction in three layers of protection. Plus, it feels shockingly nice on the face (just read the reviews). It even has a cooling feature for temperature control—say goodbye to hot boxing your face.

The icing on the cake of this baby is just how comfortable, stylish and affordable it is. For just $32 you get two masks in either camo print or a versatile navy or gray solid color to coordinate with any outfit.

Sure, not having to wear a mask at all would be ideal, but since face masks aren’t going away anytime soon, it’s worth smashing that buy button for the two or four pack stat before they’re sold out again.

Mack Weldon 2-Pack Silver Mask

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