The backyard should be your weekend retreat during the summer — whether it’s for a nap under the shade of your favorite tree or corralling your friends for a game of horseshoes — garden leisure should thrive in the heat of summer. And the right gear will only help you along: a comfy blanket, a game or two, an insulated growler to enjoy your beverage of choice and a dedicated bag to keep it all together in your garage or mudroom. And of course, a way to protect yourself from mosquitoes is essential — there won’t be much fun had if you end up covered in welts.

Godspeed, Mosquitoes

We love the fact that the Thermacell Radius Zone Mosquito Repellent ingeniously allows you to skip messy sprays and lotions to keep all the focus on kicking back all weekend-long. The tiny device utilizes an EPA-approved pyrethroid active ingredient — or basically, a synthetic copy of the naturally occurring repellent found in chrysanthemum plants. Using a rechargeable lithium-ion battery, it heats up the repellent to disperse an odorless 110-square-foot mosquito protection zone.

It’s compact, portable and TSA approved for travel (perfect for that epic camping trip coming up, for example). Not to mention, one repellent refill lasts up to 40 hours. Your weekends this summer now have an easy answer to the universal mosquito problem at the simple push of a button.

Use the code GP20 at checkout for 20 percent off the Thermacell Radius Zone Mosquito Repellent.

The Backyard Essentials