It’s too often the case that big online sales on outdoor gear occur at the end of a season rather than the beginning. While it’s always a good idea to look ahead and stock up, it can feel anticlimactic to purchase a cool new tent or a packable hammock just as snow flurries begin to fill the air.
Backcountry, instead, has made a recent habit of timely offering discounts on outdoor equipment while it’s still seasonal. Case in point: it’s new sale on camping and climbing gear. Inside is every item imaginable that might have to do with these two broad categories, including classics and new releases alike. Actually, the sale is stocked with gear that we’d buy at full price but we’ll happily accept the 20 percent discount.
The catch? You can only apply the discount — enter the code SMR20 at checkout — to one item. Here are five pieces of gear that we’d buy right now, and then use all summer long.
Baton Q3 Multi-Tool by SOG $70 $56
It’s a reimagined take on the classic all-in-one tool, and one of our picks for the best multi-tools currently available.
Pad Thai Camp Meal by Good To-Go $13 $10
Dehydrated meals don’t have to be a last resort. A former restaurateur developed Good To-Go’s, and the Pad Thai is tasty enough to prepare at home when the fridge is empty.
Klettersack by Topo Designs $169 $135
It’s one of Topo Designs’ original packs, and it also happens to be one of its best. The Klettersack is a fully-capable trail bag that’s also appropriate for daily use around town.
Roo Double Hammock by Kammok $99 $79
If you want to camp light, bring a packable hammock. The Roo is our favorite, and it was recently updated, so it’s better than ever. Also suitable for use in the backyard (or indoors if you have the right setup).
Baja Kukenam 3-Person Rooftop Tent by Tepui $1,275 $1,020
File this under something we don’t own but have wanted for a long time. So badly.
Deals, discounts and drops on products you actually care about and want. Curated by the Gear Patrol Editors. Start Saving