To many of us, “Made in China” is a mark of reduced quality and cheapness, a sign that the item won’t last very long. The generalization can be true when relating to things like knockoff sunglasses or dollar store apparel but remember: iPhones are made in China, and so are plenty of other things you’d never thumb your nose at. High-quality pocket knives are quickly joining that list, as demonstrated by We Knife Co.’s latest release.

The launch features two new pocket knives: the Practic and the Yucha. Both are folding blades featuring flipper tabs, but beyond that, they’re quite different. The Practic is the smaller of the two, with a 3.3-inch drop-point blade made of Bohler M390, which is high-quality blade steel that offers excellent edge retention and corrosion resistance. Its handle is G10 bolstered by an integrated titanium frame lock and pocket clip. It weighs 3.17 ounces.

The Yucha features a 3.9-inch blade in a harpoon shape that broadens its point. In addition to its flipper tab, it also features a thumb hole for easy opening. This one is made of CPM-S35VN steel, which was developed by Crucible Industries and Chris Reeve with the goal of providing premium edge-retention, toughness and sharpening capabilities at a more affordable price. The Yucha’s handle is an ornate mix of titanium and carbon fiber. Compared to the Practic, the Yucha is slightly overbuilt, but it still weighs in at a low 4.38 ounces.

Both knives are great-looking everyday operators and they, along with recent releases by another brand called Real Steel, have us excited about the future of Chinese knife manufacturing. Let’s just hope we can get our hands on them after the trade war.


21 Terms Every Knife-Lover Should Know

The vocabulary used to describe a pocket knife may not be as complex as that which speaks to mechanical watches or automobiles, but if you want to sound like an expert, there are a few that you should commit to memory. Read the Story