Surfboards, bikes, skis, snowboards — traveling with these items is a hassle. But all of these things also inspire travel, creating a mild Catch-22 with stifled enthusiasm on one side and annoying airline fees on the other. A California-based company called Awayco is approaching the issue differently: it partners with stores and hotels that stock premium equipment and gives its members access to these items up to six months in advance through its online booking system.
Awayco started with surfboards, but it recently expanded its program to include skis and snowboards with plans to include bikes in the future. Its network of locations includes Truckee, California; Whistler, British Columbia; Niigata, Japan; La Grave, France and many more. Membership plans come in two models — one that’s free, and another for $95 per year that includes damage coverage and provides discounts on select bookings. Sure, surf shops, ski shops and bike shops all offer rental and demo programs, but now they’re all in one place, and their inventory just a few clicks away.