Welcome to another installment of Staff Picks from our Outdoors and Fitness team. Every other week, we select our favorite pieces out of the gear we’re testing, mainstays in our kits, as well as items on our wish lists. It’s like a sneak peek at the gear we’re testing and what we’re stoked on. Have something you think we should check out? Or just want to say hi? Drop us a line at outdoor@gearpatrol.com.

Sypderco Mantra

For Gear Patrol staffers, knives are an office necessity. Virtually everyone has one at their desk, but none are nicer than the folder I have tucked in the top drawer of my filing cabinet. I’ve been using Spyderco’s Mantra for the past eight months or so, and nothing at my desk brings me as much joy — whether making quick work of boxes or simply flipping it open to admire the CPM M4 steel blade or titanium handle. — AJ Powell, Assistant Editor

If you’re looking for something similar, but the Mantra isn’t quite right, try these alternatives: Benchmade Mini Ti Monolock ($355) | CRKT M16 02D ($300)

N°08 Jeremyville Edition France! 2017 by Opinel

When I started at Gear Patrol, one of the first things I realized that I needed at my desk was a knife. Since we work in the outdoor space, everyone has some sort of knife (or more likely multiple knives) at his or her desk to do everything from open packages to cut fruit. While my previous job at a women’s publication didn’t quite prepare me for this (for reference, the only multitool I own is a Sog Baton Q1, meaning I can write, cut up paper and open a beer all from the comfort of my desk), after asking around I quickly found my new favorite desk tool: the Opinel N°08. The Jeremyville designed handle looks great in use, and I can keep the blade hidden so it stays clean. — Meg Lappe, Staff Writer

If you’re looking for something similar, but the pick above isn’t quite right, try these alternatives: Grand Way Folding Pocket Knife ($18) | Lion Steel LST8800UL-BRK Opera ($88)

The James Brand Elko

So far 2018 has proven, somewhat unintentionally, to be the year in which I finally give due consideration to my everyday carry. In January, I slimmed down my wallet, and when I’m not preaching to anyone within earshot the massive advantages of that transition, I’m talking about the other new inhabitant of my pocket: the James Brand’s Elko. The Elko is tiny for a pocket knife, but thanks to some smart thinking by Ryan Coulter and the rest of the team at the James Brand, its unique drop-point shape packs enough functionality to stand in for blades twice its size that I might otherwise carry.

The Elko also comes equipped with a simple tool on its butt that I’ve used to scrape away extra-persistent stickers and open bottles with. But let’s be honest, while utility and function are great, what really drew me to the Elko was the fact that for a tiny, keychain-ready pocket knife, it’s just plain pretty.
Tanner Bowden, Associate Staff Writer

If you’re looking for something similar, but the pick above isn’t quite right, try these alternatives: Victorinox Bantam ($16) | Sypderco Manbug ($45)
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