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Roomba Vacuums
Save Up to 25%>Roomba has dominated the robot vacuum market so thoroughly it’s become a generic trademark. Ask a group of people what the best robo-vacuum is and they’d probably scratch their heads, but they almost certainly know what a Roomba is. This all said, iRobot’s (the company that makes Roombas) prized floor cleaner does not come cheap. Luckily, three of its models — the budget-conscious 690, the multi-floor cleaning 960 and the all-powerful 980 — are discounted up to 25 percent off today. — Will Price
Bodum Cold Brew Coffee System
Save 83%>As we’ve harped on before, making cold brew coffee is remarkably forgiving, easy and cheap. The process, abridged: add water to coffee grounds (freshly ground and roasted, preferably), allow mixture to rest at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours, filter grounds and put concentrate in fridge (it’s good up to two weeks).
This all said, having a dedicated spot to make your cold brew is ideal, and you won’t find a better or cheaper option than Bodum’s 1.5-liter cold brew press, which is more than 80 percent off right now. It holds enough cold brew concentrate (you should dilute the concentrate with milk or water before drinking) to last you a week to a week and a half, depending on rate of consumption, and you don’t have to worry about replacing or cleaning filters like you would with most popular cold brew systems. The only difference in the brew process for Bodum’s cold brew press and typical cold brew is pressing the plunger down once the proper amount of time has elapsed.
The Bodum Bean Cold Brew Coffee Maker, which retails for $58, is just $10 right now. — Will Price
Nemo Equipment on Sale
Save 25% There’s not much better than waking up in the outdoors, unzipping your tent window and stepping outside to enjoy the sunrise. Getting outdoors can be a welcome respite from your day to day grind — as long as you have the right gear to enjoy it properly. Nemo Equipment makes lightweight and easy-to-pack backpacking gear that’s great for all camping levels. Whether it’s your third time in the woods, or hundredth, these tents, sleeping bags and pillows are worth adding to everyone’s camping kit. — Meg Lappe
Everything You Ever Wanted from The North Face Is on Sale
Save up to 40%: The North Face is celebrating Labor Day early this year with a massive sale on casual and technical apparel. Save up to 40 percent. — Tanner Bowden
Lightweight Boots from Grenson x Todd Snyder
Save 67 percent Grenson’s well-made, long-lasting boots are worth paying full price for, so it’s kinda hard not to get excited when they go on sale. This pair, made in collaboration with Todd Snyder, is marked down to just $199 from their original price of $620. — Justin Fenner
Old Skool, New Price
Save 50 percent The great thing about a lot of sneakers from Vans is that they’re affordable at full price. Case in point: the Old Skool usually goes for around $60. But right now you can get a pair for just $30 if you head over to Urban Outfitters’ website. The retailer is offering a selection of men’s clothes and shoes for 50 percent off at checkout, including three brightly colored pairs of Old Skools.— Justin Fenner