Here’s something you don’t really see everyday: inflatable chairs. The clever folks at Mojow have figured how to make inflatable couches look stylish in a way that doesn’t erode their utility.
Thing is, inflatable anything isn’t so appealing aesthetics-wise. They’re pretty cool on paper, sure, but as decorative fixtures, they’re kind of a hit and miss. Which is why Mojow’s approach is notable. By making some of the inflatable sheets transparent, the company added flair to otherwise plain-looking and dull furniture.
They come in different colors: pink, blue green. They also come in various iterations, including a single-seater, an elongated couch, and even a sleek ottoman. The base are flat-pack seats. The cushions are either opaque or transparent, depending on what works better for you.
Surprisingly, these cushions are pretty robust, able to support, depending on the configuration, about 265 to 529 pounds.
The best thing about them is their customizability, As great as they look already, interior designers at heart can go to own and add all sorts of things on top. Throw on a touch of leather, for starters. Or maybe a plaid fabric or a coloured fur to give them a bit more oomph. The world is your oyster.
The blending of metallic frameworks and inflatable components isn’t a novelty, to be clear. But Mojow has injected the concept with its unique and potent sense of style, practicality, and utilitarianism. Without going overboard, most notably. The result? Chic-looking living room fixtures that are useful, durable, and with easy upkeep.

Photos courtesy of Mojow