There are a lot of travel-oriented, adventure camera bags available to photographers these days. Chances are you’ve seen quite a few of them in photographs and videos, and chances are if those pictures in reels took place in a rugged environment, F-stop Gear made the bag. F-stop was among the first to recognize roving photographers’ need for better equipment, and it reacted by blending the padded compartmentalization of camera bags with the technical features of expedition backpacks.
F-stop made its name in the adventure photography world, but its new line of backpacks and shoulder bags is for the urban explorer. The Dalston and Fitzroy, named for neighborhoods in London and Melbourne, respectively, are sleek roll-top bags reminiscent of those favored by urban commuters. They’re geared for photographers though, with internal separators and side- and rear-access zippers. The Florentin, named after Tel Aviv’s hip neighborhood, and the Kalamaja, which draws its name from Tallinn, Estonia, are an ode to the prototypical shoulder bag that’s carried by photographers of all kinds.
F-stop knows that the urban photographer is exposed to the elements too though, so it built its Urban Collection using the same rugged materials used in bags geared for alpine pursuits. Ripstop nylon, water-resistant zippers, splash-proof fabric and reinforced handles all bolster these bags, making them fit for any adventurer’s kit.

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