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The Los Angeles Roadsters have been around 60 years, and for 53 of those years they’ve had a show. A big show. Like over 1000 roadsters in recent years. 

The show became a Father’s Day tradition in Los Angeles, far better than whatever you used to do with dad on Fathers’ Day (take him to a bar? fix his car? watch TV?). Then this year the Los Angeles Roadsters decided to hire professional management to put the show on. Roadsters’ member John Buck, who owns the Grand National Roadster Show and the Sacramento Autorama, was hired to manage it.

“They said, ‘John, do what you need to do,” Buck told us in between the show’s two days – Saturday and Sunday June 17-18.

So what Buck saw needed doing was to bring some fiscal reorganization to the event. This year, for the first time ever, if you wanted to bring a roadster to the Roadster Show, you had to pay. That was a change. In general, people don’t like change, especially if it means paying 50 dollars. And while the fee included entry for two, complimentary BBQ dinner for two, and all the glory that comes with showing your car at a major car show, the fee did not include one thing – the LA Roadsters pewter mug. 

“The mugs cost $32,” Buck said. “I was looking at $20,000 in mugs.”

Actually, $22,432, if 700 roadsters showed up. This miffed a few rodders, some of whom had shelves at home with 52 mugs and were really looking forward to that 53rd.

“I don’t think you can even drink out of them because pewter has lead in it,” Buck speculated.

This lead to a discussion as to the chemical makeup of pewter. We’d gotten a “C” in chemistry and didn’t remember anything. The internet, which can’t be wrong, suggested that lead had not been included in pewter for many years. It’s now tin, copper and a few other items off the periodic table, none of which is lead. Nonetheless, Buck was sensitive to the Roadster owners concerns. Next year there may be a few changes.

“We’re going to get some added value for these roadster owners,” Buck said.

That might also include a change in days from Saturday-Sunday to Friday-Saturday, so as not to conflict with the Rodeo Drive Concours, held on Fathers’ Day. The swap meet portion of this Show & Swap event was a little smoother this year, with painted and reserved spaces for vendors instead of the previous land-rush start.

Despite the Great Pewter Mug Controversy, there were some very nice roadsters in attendance. Click through the galleries above and below to see some of our favorites.