Ultimate Ears speakers have always been different. With huge volume buttons, cylindrical design and vibrant color combinations, they just don’t look like any other portable speaker. Now, you can make them even more unique. The company just launched myBoom Studio, an online feature that lets you trick out a Boom 3 speaker to look exactly how you want.

The tool lets you select the color of various aspects of the speaker, including the buttons, spine, fabric and hanging loops. There are different fabric patterns, such as leopard print, camouflage and tiger stripes, and you can engrave text on the spine. Ultimate Ears is calling this customized Boom 3 speaker the myBoom 3 ($180). Though it’s identical to the Boom 3 — same size, same ruggedness and same sound quality — the ability to customize the speaker comes with a $30 upcharge.

A couple of other caveats: there aren’t infinite ways to customize the myBoom 3 speaker. There are only 12 different colors and patterns for fabrics, and eight colors for everything else — volume buttons, end caps, spine and hanging loop. Delivery isn’t as immediate, either; it’ll take three to four weeks for the speaker to arrive at your door.

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UE Wonderboom ($70+)
UE Megaboom 3 ($200)
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