Camping requires a willingness to abandon the comforts of home — thick mattresses, electricity, television and the like — but good eating shouldn’t be one of them. Too often we consent to the meals we make outside rather than indulge in them. Yes, after 12 hours of hiking freeze-dried beef stroganoff can satisfy more than anything else in the world, but you likely wouldn’t prepare this meal at home. Patagonia Provisions makes meals that you would, and from now until February 25, it’s offering 20 percent off everything on its site.

Patagonia’s culinary-oriented offshoot is firstly concerned with fixing what it sees as a broken food system — overgrazing, water loss, bee colony collapse rank as some of the symptoms — but flavor isn’t brushed off as an afterthought. Its menu includes camping classics such as chili and breakfast grains, but there’s also Himalayan-inspired tsampa soup and wild caught lemon pepper salmon.

Despite its connection its lineage in outdoor gear, Patagonia Provisions doesn’t explicitly bill itself as a camp meal company, it’s just good food. I’ve taken to keeping a stash of it in my apartment for those weeks that I forget to go grocery shopping and those nights when cooking seems overly tedious. My favorites: the black bean soup with the addition of rice and avocado and a tin of the lemon herb mussels smeared onto a crusty baguette. And a can of Long Root Ale (beer is good too).

If you’re planning a camping trip, need backup meals for the home or want to stock up on bison jerky, now’s the time. Use the code EATWELL at checkout for the discount.

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