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Patagonia is one outdoor gear brand that needs no introduction. (Though it is worth mentioning that it’s been around for half a century, ever since founder Yvon Chouinard decided to start making climbing gear for himself and his friends.) Every year, as the company gets ready to unveil a new season gear, it quietly discounts a significant portion of its existing offerings by up to 40 percent.
From there, it’s a webshop free-for-all, with desirable sizes and colors disappearing from digital shelves in moments. That sale is happening right now, and while it’s nearing slim-pickings territory, there’s still plenty of high-quality gear to go around. Some of our favorites, still available in at least some colors and sizes, are below.
Long-Sleeved Fjord Flannel Shirt
Patagonia patagonia.com
$89 $44 (51% off)
100% organic heavyweight cotton makes this one of the toughest shirts in your closet.
Nano Puff Hoody
Patagonia patagonia.com
$249 $149 (40% off)
This is a crazy deal on one of Patagonia’s most coveted and versatile jackets.
Woolie Fleece Pullover
$159 $111 (30% off)
Inspired by one of Yvon Chouinard’s favorite original pieces, this pullover is made from entirely recycled materials.
Down Sweater
$229 $160 (30% off)
This jacket is fire (that’s also the name of the color).
Torrentshell 3L Jacket
Patagonia patagonia.com
$149 $104 (30% off)
This is the quintessential rain shell.
City Storm Parka
Patagonia patagonia.com
$499 $349 (30% off)
Deep winter is no match for this ultra warm parka.
Together for the Planet Logo Organic T-Shirt
Patagonia patagonia.com
$35 $24 (31% off)
This take on Patagonia’s classic logo sends a timely message.
Hi-Loft Down Vest
Patagonia patagonia.com
$199 $139 (30% off)
Retro vibes on a modern vest.
Heavyweight Merino Performance Knee Length Socks
Patagonia patagonia.com
$28 $19 (32% off)
Your new go-to for all things snow.
Naturals Tote 46L
Patagonia patagonia.com
$129 $64 (50% off)
This is your new everyday tote.
Black Hole MLC 45L
Reviews patagonia.com
$199 $139 (30% off)
One travel bag to rule them all.
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